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The Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries

Terrae Incognitae is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published for the Society for the History of Discoveries.  The aim is to examine the history and impact of geographic exploration and cross-cultural interaction around the globe.   Each issue includes an expansive book review section.

Recent articles have ranged from the use of DNA technology to track the movement of chickens and thus populations in pre-historic Oceania to the role of the Order of Christ in furthering 16th-century Portuguese expansion; from the significance of inter-cultural adoption or rejection of clothing or understanding cross-cultural interaction to Marco Polo’s influence on cartography.

Information for Contributors

We welcome contributions to Terrae Incognitae.  All information concerning article submission can be found on our publisher’s web site.

Special Issue Call for Papers:  Teaching History  

Terrae Incognitae is planning a special issue of the journal focusing on  the teaching of the history of exploration on all levels, high school through graduate degrees.   How has the pedagogy evolved as the  history of discovery has moved to a more global and inclusive perspective. 

Read the Call for Proposals here.  

Special Issue Call for Papers:  Indigenous Watercraft as Vehicles of Exploration

Terrae Incognitae is seeking manuscripts for an issue to be published in December 2026 on the use of Indigenous watercraft as vehicles of discovery and exploration.   How have indigenous cultures dealt with exploring marine environments worldwide?

Read the Call for Proposals here. 


Interested in subscribing to Terrae Incognitae? Join the Society for the History of Discoveries, and this important journal is provided as part of your membership, both print and online access.

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TheJournal is also available through institutional subscriptions. 


Dr. Gayle Brunelle, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA  USA

Associate Editors: 

Lindsay Frederick Braun, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon  USA

Gregory C. McIntosh , Independent Scholar, Lisbon, Portugal

Sandy Patel, University of Montpelier 3, Montpelier, France

John Hairr, Independent Scholar, Lillington, North Carolina  USA

Book Review Editor:  

Danielle Alesi, Nazareth University, Rochester, New York  USA


Student Production Intern:

Matthew Croswhite, Emory University

Editorial Advisory Board

♦ Mirela Altić – Institute of Social Sciences, Croatia 

♦ Imre Demhardt – University of Texas at Arlington, USA 

♦ Dan Duda, Memorial University, Canada 

♦ Ralph Ehrenberg – Falls Church, Virginia, USA 

♦ Barry Gough, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 

♦ Donald Harreld – Brigham Young University, USA 

♦ Francis Herbert – Royal Geographical Society-IBG, London, UK

♦ Gregory McIntosh – University of Lisbon, Portugal  

♦ Marguerite Ragnow – James Ford Bell Library, University of     MN, USA

♦ Bruce Solnick – Lenox, Massachusetts, USA 

♦ Carol Urness – Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

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