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Call for Proposals

for a

Special Issue of Terrae Incognitae,

Pedagogy and Exploration

Terrae Incognitae is seeking manuscripts for an issue to be published in 2026 or early 2027 on the pedagogy of exploration.  The history of exploration has moved away from the “grand narrative” of a Eurocentric “Age of Discovery” and toward a more global and inclusive perspective.  Subalterns of all types previously excluded from the narrative – women, non-Europeans, the enslaved, sailors, and Indigenous peoples – have come to be viewed as explorers themselves. They participated in the expansion of the horizons of human knowledge of the world and the interconnections via trade, colonization, and cultural contacts. The explored were also explorers, and exploration was about exchange as well as domination. Nor was there a single “Age of Discovery,” as different societies in different eras accelerated their exploration by land and sea, often subsequently retreating whereas others pushed ahead.

Articles in the proposed issue would explore how instructors at different education levels, ideally from high school, community college, undergraduate four-year college to graduate courses, teach exploration history and how their students react to these courses. To what extent, and in what ways, do such courses integrate the new approaches to the history of exploration, how do instructors structure such courses, and what sorts of assignments do they give? Do the courses focus mostly on the early modern era, or have instructors opted for a broader chronology? Has teaching exploration become more difficult as the historiography and methodologies of the field have become more complex? Are students resistant to a more globalized narrative? Student participation in the articles is welcome and encouraged. Please contact journal editor Gayle K. Brunelle ( if you are interested in submitting an article, or in participating in the peer review of submissions.  Abstracts (300 words maximum) and your contact information should be submitted to Gayle by May 1, 2025.

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