Call for Papers
for a Special Issue of Terrae Incognitae
From pack mules, horses, and sled dogs to Harry Harlow’s rhesus monkey experiments, the chimpanzee Ham in a Mercury capsule, and today’s genetic engineering experiments using lab animals, nonhuman animals have always been exploited to explore outer and inner worlds of interest to humanity. However, they themselves, as sentient agents, also exhibit curiosity and other emotions in relation to their own explorations.
Terrae Incognitae, the journal of exploration and cross-cultural interaction, is announcing a Call for Papers for a special issue on animal explorers, both exploited in service to people and as pioneers in new environments, so that pigs gone feral in the Americas are not out of the question. Interdisciplinarity is encouraged by the journal. So, animals used to think about humanity in philosophy and literature may also be considered for this issue. The journal’s Editor is Gayle K. Brunelle. The special issue’s guest Co-editors are Abel A. Alves of Ball State University and Nicholas R. Miller of Flagler College. Associate Editors are John Hairr, an Independent Scholar, and Sandhya Patel, Universite Paul ValĂ©ry - Montpellier.
An abstract of no more than 200 words must be submitted by October 15, 2024. Final submissions of articles to be considered for acceptance are expected by June 1, 2025 and must follow Terrae Incognitae guidelines. An entry in this special issue should be no more than 8000 words, including abstract and footnotes. Please submit abstract to